Har skjønt det må sluttes å vingle i spissposisjon.

Det er mye rusk i budet til den amerikanske milliardæren og deleier av Los Angeles Dodgers, Todd Boehly. – Han selv er «clean», men det er ikke lov å eie to klubber i Premier League samtidig. -Allerede har en Tottenham fan og minoritetseier måttet trekke seg fra Boehly’s konsortium.

«Krisen er imidlertid opp imot Clearlake Capital som sitter på den største posten (62%). De mistenkes for å være finansiert av Saudi Media, som tidlig ble ekskludert fra prosessen.

Fortsatt helt åpent selv om en «vinner» er annonsert!.

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Jeg har i dag snakket med representanter for «Mystery bidder» som overraskende er ledet av indianernes suverene stammenasjon. – De har forpliktet seg til å bruke 7 milliarder dollar og «demokratisere» eierforholdet rundt Chelsea.

Sporten.com har fått tilgang til intern kommunikasjon og dokumenter som viser at de faktisk fortsatt er med i kampen om å kjøpe Londonklubben etter at Todd Boehly har fått store problemer med å komme igjennom godkjennelsesprosessen.

90min var først ute med å skrive om «mystery bidder» uten at de da viste hvem som stod bak. En talsmann for Roman Abramovich som er den som selger og faktisk, til tross for sanksjoner er den som har siste ord, sammen med den britiske regjeringen og Premier League (FA) har uttalt at han er meget positiv til Sovereign Nation sitt opplegg, men at han vil vente til det blir mer konkret. – Det er verdt å merke seg at Abramovich ikke har uttalt seg om Todd Boehly sitt bud en eneste gang. Dog har han vært klar på at han ikke ønsker å selge til et sanksjonert land eller noen som ønsker å «sports vaske» sitt image.

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Native Sovereign skal ha samlet inn til en svimlende $7 milliarder forpliktelse for sitt Chelsea-bud. Det er ventet å innlede samtaler med britiske myndigheter neste uke. Etter det siste kjente tilbudet, 18. mars, valgte budgiveren anonymitet, og hevdet at et offentlig tilbud ville utvanne formålet og målet.

Budgiveren har siden inngått samarbeid med en av verdens største finansinstitusjoner og sports-kringkastere og er fortsatt fast bestemt på å spille et siste spill for Chelsea. Etter å ha lest igjennom budet som presenteres senere i dag, kan vi bekrefte det er 9 forskjellige parter som vil gå inn som eiere og garantister og at planen er å tilby store deler av klubben til supporterne.

Nylige overskrifter rundt Todd Boehlys avtalte vilkår og gruppens planer har dominert Chelsea-nyhetene.

Sovereign Nation planlegger å demokratisere Chelsea og gi fotball tilbake til supporterne. Disse rapportene antyder at budet er høyere enn Todd Boehlys konsortium. Skjebnen til Chelsea er kanskje ikke ennå bestemt.

For noen dager siden etter at det ble klart at Todd Boehlys konsortium sitt bud var i ferd med å rakne, ble et brev sendt fra representant for Sovereign Nation til kjent investor (som vi har lovet å ikke navngi enda). Sporten.com har også fått lese revidert tilbud til Chelsea som sendes over i dag klokken 1500 norsk tid.

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Her er brevet:

«I am looking forward to discussing this matter with you. Purchasing Chelsea F.C. is an exceptional opportunity because of the following factors: (i) Abramovich- being guilty by association, (ii) a sanctioned sale, (iii) victimizing the sports fans, and (iv) a convoluted sales process that is already the most publicized acquisition in modern history.

Having the opportunity to democratize the fifth largest sports brand globally, bring the 135 million Chelsea supporters onto one platform, collect, and monetize the data, and launch the world’s most extensive security token offering is an unprecedented opportunity. Not to mention, extending Chelsea’s reach globally and connecting with its fans around the world.

I describe this transaction as borderline esoteric and highly convoluted. The fact that the media is looking for newsworthy information without fully realizing what is happening behind the scenes makes it ambiguous.

As of right now, the Chelsea F.C. sale remains uncertain. There are still several factors that need to be addressed before the sale can be finalized. This request will require the approval of (i) the UK Office for Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI), (ii) the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, (iii) the Premier League UK’s regulatory body, and (iv) the UEFA fair play review. Once these four groups have given their approval, (i) the Chelsea Pitch Owners, (ii) the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust, and (iii) the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport must also approve the proposal before it can be submitted to Fordstam Limited, as well as formally by Mr. Eugene Tenenbaum, Mr. Paul Heagren, and naturally, Mr. Roman Abramovich for a sale to be finalized. The process is pending. It is essential for the integrity of the Premier League, Chelsea F.C., its players, and supporters that this is successfully concluded on or around May 30th. If it is not, the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport must obtain an extension for the temporary operating license of Chelsea F.C. from the UK Office for Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI). A 30-day extension is expected to be possible.

We had initially penciled in May 24/25 as our target dates.

The Premier League summer transfer market is expected to reopen on Friday, June 10, though most international deals will not pass through until July 1. The Premier League will close the transfer window on Monday, Sept. 1, at 11 p.m. BST. It is critical that Chelsea F.C. can participate in the summer transfer window and that no player becomes a free agent on May 25. Chelsea F.C’s Premier League license for the 2022/23 season might be at risk.

Despite becoming the fifth finalist on March 18th, we have yet to submit our best-and-final offer. Therefore, all media spins are currently focused on the 38% minority stake owned by Todd Boehly, Hansjorg Wyss, Mark Walter, and Jonathan Goldstein. In addition, the 62% stake is held by global venture capital fund Clearlake Capital and its investors. They are running a pervasive public relations campaign. Their strategy appears to be to release 2 to 4 statements every 15 to 30 minutes. However, do not be mistaken: they are the only public candidate attempting to complete the transaction in public after submitting a very strong best-and-final, but they have not yet acquired Chelsea F.C.

We would like to have the opportunity to find out how far our best-and-final could progress.

We believe we have some competitive advantages:
The Native Sovereign approach eliminates any potential political conflicts related to origination from a sanctioning country.
The ChelseaVerse eliminates any conflict concerning dividend restrictions through 2032.
Tickets prices could be reduced through digital revenue streams – benefitting fans.
A fractional ownership model would eliminate what caused this sanctioned sale to repeat itself.
The security token strategy is irrefutable and transparent; it cannot be manipulated. Thus, the majority stakeholding term limit (50.1%) for ten years could not be manipulated through warranties, option agreements, etc. The other bidders can easily circumvent…
We have the backing of Chelsea F.C.’s old guard.

This is an extremely exciting opportunity. Given the current dilemma of Chelsea Football Club and the public interest in the club to serve as a model for the democratization of sport, the team is the ideal franchise.

In collaboration with our Native American Indian partners, we are ready to make a final push to attract attention to our bid, its benefits to sports fans, and its future importance. It is a compelling story: a twist of faith, even a twist of irony, that won’t be easy to underscore.

I think you will find it highly motivating and impressive to learn more about our local army at Chelsea Football Club, which includes representatives of the Chelsea Pitch Owners, The Chelsea Support Trust, players, key personnel, and the former representatives of the player association. Additional support is available within the Chelsea Club ambassador program and from key advisers to the Premier League.

It will be a pleasure to speak with you, and I welcome your collaboration.

Time is of the essence.»

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